Friday, February 01, 2008

A rotten end to a good week

So, the week was a pretty good one because
I have finally stopped complaining and I am on my way to a better self-image and a better level of fitness. (ie)I have gone 5 days with exercise every day, keeping track of what I eat and what I weigh, and NOT snacking after supper - really huge issues for me.

I also had some wonderful down-time to play crochinole with my son, build snowmen with my kids and clean my linen cupboards (yah!!) So, over all it was a good week.

Even though my evil exhusband still refuses to pay the proper amount of child support and I am as poor as a church-mouse, I am SURVIVING and I am doing it on my own.

Although I am still generally in the "men-are-all-asses" stage of recovery (going on 3 years now) I agreed to go out to a bistro with a small group of people after work today: One of which happens to be a man (Mr. Smith). As we were sitting in the restaurant waiting for the others to arrive, an employee who knows the guy in our group said (whilst pointing at me)"HEY!! YOU'RE NOT MRS. SMITH!!! and then he pointed at this poor married bastard that we work with at our office and said "SHAME ON YOU!"...then the Pointer giggled and walked back into the kitchen. He is quite young and clearly thought he was "making a funny".

I thought I would vomit. (It brought back in a flash all that I had tolerated with my exhusband)
So I left the restaurant.

Oh well, but I felt soooooooooooooooo bad because the whole group hadn't even arrived yet - and I was the one who picked the venue...and this poor bugger I was sitting with was left on his own now.

Oi vay.

Now now, I must be serene because stress releases cortisol which results in weight gain and impedes the immune system.

There, thats better. I won't let the turkeys get me down.


Blogger Rhette said...

Well, Hi!
Thanks so much for the prayer you found in your back pocket for me. Amazing, I loved it.

There's always one of THEM (A Him, That Guy, Mr. Wonderful?) Not! Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, ummm, Mrs. Jones -- don't forget her, hahah!

Good luck with your new endeavors -- that little bit of anger going on, that will help you stay the course. Let me tell you, when I'm upset with my hubby, I can clean the entire house.

But really, how are you? You're there & gone but at least you are posting, yay!

Have a good weekend ...

8:43 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

i spent years hating women after my wife took off with another. wounds don't seem to heal without scars. deep scars.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Lucinda said...

Glad to hear that you're so focused on making yourself healthier and spending time with your kids. Not so happy to hear that your wounds are making you hate men and that they have you walking out of resturants with coworkers because of obnoxious teenagers. Still, one step at a time is better than standing stark still ((((hugs))))

6:50 PM  
Blogger 2sunset said...

Good point.

3:43 PM  

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